June 2024 led us back to Alaska.  This time we wanted to go more inland.  We’ve been to Ketchikan, Icy Point Strait, Juneau and Skagway, now we need to try something different.  Thus, let the Anchorage adventure begin.  Prepare yourself for at least 18 hours of sunlight, great weather and lots of things to see.  We decided to stay in a cute little cottage close to a walking path and downtown so we didn’t miss a thing.  First stop after getting off the plane in Anchorage was to stop at the information center located right in the airport to get some suggestions of what to do during our 3-day Anchorage adventure.  Here’s what we decided to do!

Glacier Brewhouse Restaurant and Brewery

While we waited to get into our Airbnb, we decided some food and a beer were in order.  We didn’t have a reservation but we got lucky to find a place to sit and enjoy the many things Glacier Brewhouse had to offer.  Just a hint, make a reservation, the place was packed.  The menu was extensive, the staff were amazing and of course, the beer selection was outstanding.  For me, it was loaded potato soup and for Dave, hand crafted pizza.  We had a front row seat to watch the pizza being made and then cooked in the large wood fired pizza oven.  The food was amazing, had a wonderful fruity beer – which is always a favorite of mine.  After we finished eating, we had a chance to enjoy the art galleries located just outside the entrance to the brewery.  Local artisans showing off their amazing talent for painting, sculptures, clothing all illustrating the long culture of the area.  We spent a good bit of time exploring the downtown area shops getting a feel for what we wanted to do during our 3 full days during our Anchorage adventure.

Day 1 – Anchorage Adventure

Anchorage Trolley Tours

Trolley Tour Bus

So sunrise is about 4:30 in the morning and sunset is about 12 Midnight each day.  So we worked to keep our usual schedule.  Luckily the cottage had blackout shades but I’m not sure I would have needed them as the light isn’t as intense as we thought it would be.  Our morning started by making breakfast, enjoying a cup of coffee as we poured over the many books we collected from the information center and from the basket in the cottage.  First stop was taking a tour with Anchorage Trolley Tours.  We chose the deluxe package which was about 3.5 hours and took us to all the great places in and around Anchorage proper.  We made a stop at Earthquake Park, watched Seaplane floats take off and land, Ship Creek to watch the locals catch their daily limit of salmon, Alaska Railroad, and maybe even some wildlife.  Unfortunately, we went the whole trip without seeing the mighty moose!  So bummed!  Definitely make this a must do on your Anchorage adventure.

Museum Federal Building

Federal Building Museum

At the end of the tour, we were right back where we started and across from the Federal Building which houses a pretty cool museum rich in cultural history and learning opportunities.  You can wander through exploring the different displays and be sure to catch a quick video on several topics.  I would say plan to stay at least an hour to get an overview.  You will go through security, so be prepared.  Definitely a lot of photo ops throughout the building and also a great little area to speak to one of the volunteers to learn more about the area.

49th State Brewing Lunchtime

Right downtown you will find another amazing brewery with food, service and beer to delight everyone in your group.  This time it was an amazing locally brewed sour, chicken strips bigger than the plate, seafood chowder and spelt bread.  You can’t go to Alaska and not enjoy some seafood if you get a chance.  Get there early because they are really

popular as well.  Next stop is to go back and visit some of the places from the tour and spend a little more time.  A quick stop at the Alaska Railroad station in ho

pes of getting tickets to Seward but full for the day.  Busy day but still had time for a walk on the walking path near our cottage getting a bit more exercise for the day.  Great way to end a fabulous day on our Anchorage adventure.

Day 2 – Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

Another big day ahead and up early and heading out to check out the conservation center.  Maybe we will see a moose today?  On the scenic drive the center, we did encounter some mountain goats high on the hillside.  They were pretty high up and they were really interested in all of us stopped at the bottom getting some pictures of them.  Some even posed for the pictures!  After a quick drive, some beautiful snowcapped mountains and a lake below, we arrived at the center.  Get your walking shoes on because you are going to need them.  You can drive through first and then walk but we decided to find a place to park, jump out and get our walk on!  This animal refuge/sanctuary is “dedicated to preserving Alaska’s wildlife through education, research, and quality animal care.”  We got to see a bald eagle, owl, wolf, bear, caribou, buffalo and muskox.  Still no moose!  The bear was very entertaining though as he played with a log doing his martial arts moves!

Midnight Sun Brewing Company

A visit to Anchorage isn’t complete until you stop at Midnight Sun Brewing Company.  MSBC boasts being the oldest brewery in Anchorage and the 2nd oldest in the state.  Bold flavors, barrel aged stouts and barley wines are their claim to fame.  The beer was amazing but even better was the food!  We shared the warm, soft pretzels and the chorizo biscuits and gravy – so good we just kept eating.  Definitely a great stop on our Anchorage adventure!

Alaska Native Heritage Center

Native Games and Dance

Get there early and plan to spend some time because there is no better way to explore the Alaskan Native Culture.  We got to experience 4 Alaskan youth from different regions share the games that they grew up on.  All compete throughout the summer at competitions, and they are some of the best in the state!  Colton actually holds several state records for his abilities in the games.  It was just a pleasure to watch the incredible talent of these young people.  Along with the games, we also got to experience the cultural dances that are passed down from generation to generation.  Beautiful movements choregraphed to native music that bring their culture to life.  We were so moved by the dancers that we bought a pair of the fans used in the dances as a keepsake of this incredible experience.

Tour of the Grounds

A walk along the grounds affords a unique look into the native lifestyle of these people.  Replicas of the homes along with the items that you would find in each home are part of the tour on the grounds of the Center.  Each different tribe has their own unique traditions, style, homes and tools.  It was very eye opening at how each of these tribes lived and the history of their origination.  Definitely a very different way of life, sometimes difficult but always embraced, cherished and passed on to those that come next in each generation.  A great deal of pride and sense of community in these tribes as they work together to survive.  They know and live a true sense of “it takes a village” to work together for the good of all.

America Ninja Warrior – Eskimo Ninja Nick Hanson

As a big fan of America Ninja Warrior, imagine my surprise to get to the end of the walk around the grounds and there is the Eskimo Ninja himself – Nick Hanson.  He and a group of other Ninja’s were serving up a Ninja bootcamp for aspiring young people from the area.  Nick has such a big heart for the sport and for the people of Alaska – especially encouraging the youth of tomorrow.  He was coaching Colton on the warped wall.  We all watched as Colton made it up the big wall on his second try!  I’m sure we will see him join Nick very soon on ANW!  My husband made sure to get a picture of me with Nick and Colton.  Nick is an inspiration to us all!

Double Shovel Cider

Cider Time

Last stop today on our Anchorage adventure was a stop to try a flight of cider at Double Shovel Cider.  A huge selection of cider was facing me as I walked in the door.  The staff were just great at helping me to find the best 4 to sample.  There wasn’t one that I wouldn’t have gone back for more but these were my limit for the day.  If you love cider, this is the place you need to stop!


Day 3 – Talkeetna & Barbara Falls Hike

Eagle River Barbara Falls Hike

While there was so much to do in Anchorage, we did need to get out and about on our last day to see some other local areas.   First stop of the day was a hike to see Barbara Falls.  We headed up to Eagle River a cute little town that needs to be explored.  As the road climbed high above Eagle River through some amazing mountain homes we finally came to the start of the road for the hike

to Barbara Falls.  The one thing I haven’t mentioned yet is the mosquitos!  Be sure to bring some bug spray because they are relentless in the area.  The hike was easy and definitely worth the time it took to get to the falls and back.  While we saw bear scat, we didn’t see bear and still not one moose!  The falls was beautiful!

TalkeetnaDenali Brewing Company

Everyone we talked to said that Talkeetna was the place that we had to visit.  A real wild west kind of feel with boardwalks, cute little shops and of course a stop at Denali Brewing Company for lunch!  Just another beautiful day during our Anchorage adventure so we got to sit outdoors and enjoyed another great beer offering and more amazing food.  After finishing lunch we had to browse the shops along the streets of Talkeetna.  There is a lot of great incredibly talented local artisans to shop!  Bring a big suitcase because it will be hard to not buy everything!

Time to Go Home

So when we were heading out for our Anchorage adventure, we truly believed we would pack everything in to 3 days because we didn’t think we would be coming back.  Now, 3 days is just not enough and we are already planning to come back.  Everything from the amazing people, incredible food but also just the amount of history in this great state you can’t do it all in a short time.  For me, there is just such a sense of “home” when you come into this state.  The people are warm, welcoming, friendly and very humble.  Ultimately, saying goodbye was really hard, we didn’t want to leave and for sure we know we are coming back.  There is just so much to see and do in the great State of Alaska!  For more information on these stops, just click on the name and it will take you to their website.